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What to know!

Read below to learn how to have the best experience at Peace, Love and Sweat. Here are some common questions answered. Click the button below to check out the precautions before sauning!

How to prepare for your appointment

  1. Drink at least 8-24  ounces of water before & after - Stay hydrated, Choose electrolytes!

  2. Dry brushing and showering before is best practice, but not mandatory

  3. Do not wear oils for your session, please, this is important! 

  4. Hold off on a big meal. You do not want a full belly in the sauna. A light snack is okay.  

  5. We provide towels! No need to bring your own, but if you'd to, your towels are welcome :) 

  6. Bring loose fitted clothing for after your session if you can. Feels best!

  7. After your sauna, make sure to schedule your next session. :)

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What to Wear

Less is more when it comes to how to

dress in an infrared sauna!


Bathing suit 

Gym Shorts & tank top

Sports bra


Bring your own towel wrap


Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I sauna?

Infrared is recommended 4-5 times a week for maximum results. Although not everyone can 4-5 times a week so adding it to your weekly routine once or twice a week will be very beneficial. So, just like exercise, the more you come the more you will feel the benefits.


Why didn't I sweat during my first session?

Sunlighten says you may not sweat during your first session, and that is okay. The sweating factor depends on a few things, your water intake and hydration level being one of them. The more often you sauna, the more you are proven to sweat. 


How long does my session last?

Your session may last up to 40 minutes. (There is one wellness program that is 45)

You may get out early if necessary. 


Should I oil up to sauna?? NOOO

**Best Practice is to dry brush, shower, SAUNA, and then shower again. It is okay to wait until you get home to shower. =)






About Infrared


150-210° F
Surface heat
Sweat happens at higher temps
Extreme heat, shorter session
Requires more power
Uses heat stove at heat source
More humidity




110-140° F

Deep, penetrating heat

More sweat at lower temps

Enjoyable heat, longer session

Requires less power

Uses infrared light panels as heat source

Less humidity

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